KYC solution

At NexeraID, we understand that some crypto businesses, like DeFi protocols, want to implement customer verification in their onboarding process while preserving their customers privacy.

We provide a user-friendly widget that can verify customers identity without compromising sensitive data.
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Privacy-preserving identity verification

Anonymously authenticate and onboard users in a decentralized and permissionless process.

Enable the users to prove their rights to access your platform without having to disclose any sensitive information.
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a man in a hooded jacket with a text bubble above his head
a screenshot of a cell phone with a combination lock on the screen

Reusable and user-owned identity

Significantly reduce friction in the onboarding process by reducing time and identity verification’s cost as users can claim, store and reuse their credentials.
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Seamless integration
with your smart contract

Simplify the process of verifying your users on-chain. NexeraID on-chain verifiers can easily be plugged to your own contracts to provide an off-the -shelf, flexible and composable on-chain verification process.
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a screen shot of the identity identification flow
a screenshot of a screen shot of a computer screen

Customizable on-chain compliance rules and flows

Our user-friendly rules engine enables you to deploy your verification rules on-chain and easily keep them up to date with the evolving crypto regulatory requirements.
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